Lock Warped Pond Coin 🔒 Earn SOL
Available to Lock
⚡️ = Warped


How does it work?

Lock warped ⚡️ PNDC and receive SOL streamed to your address automatically.

⚡️ = Warped

What is the multipler?

The longer you lock, the greater multipler of SOL you receive.

Once your lock period expires, you no longer receive SOL.

Can I unlock any time?

Yes, you can unlock at any time.

If you unlock before your lock expires, a slashing penalty is applied. The slashing penalty is calculated by the amount of remaining days your lock has multipled by 2.

Can I lock more than once?

Yes, you can lock as many times as you would like. Each lock is treated independently.

Why is amount available to lock lower than my balance?

The amount you can lock is determined by the history of Pondwater.

Mining activity determines how much you can lock.

Miners are able to lock a larger amount.